Monday, May 26, 2014

Dear Jack - Memorial Day Poem

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Welcome to The Bumblebee Protocol
Brought to you by the nearest Band Name Generator (Story coming soon!)

Today, the last Monday in May is a federal holiday in the United States. It is when we, as Americans remember the men and women who died while serving our country in the armed forces. 

Some years ago my family received horrible news. One of my father's West Point classmates was dead. A fellow Vietnam Veteran, we learned almost overnight, Jack was murdered. 

Since that tragic moment, I've not stopped thinking about Jack and for Memorial Day, I've written this poem.

They said you were alone when you died.
Thrown out like a piece of trash.
No one came to help you in your hour of need.
The media, they wondered, who did this to you?
But several days later the world forgot.

A Black Knight
A Veteran
A voice for the shunned
You stood against hate
And helped many soldiers
Made their families feel loved
A man made of principle
Loyal and true
Mentor and teacher
Public servant and friend


"The Three Soldiers" 

 Yet, conclusions were jumped 
When the footage was viewed
Condemned by the masses
Mental illness was seen
And then just as quickly, attention diverted

I’ve seen the sorrow
And I’ve felt the pain
I’m haunted by visions
Your brothers they sang
Duty, Honor, Country
And I still wish we could go back in time

John 'Jack' Parsons Wheeler III

Thank you to all the men and women who have served this country and have payed with their lives. Thank you to Jack, we will find out what happened to you. 


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Friday, March 28, 2014

Top 10 Books That Influenced My Life.

Greetings Salutations and Good Morning!
Welcome to The Bumblebee Protocol
Brought to you by the nearest Band Name Generator (Story coming soon!)

A couple months ago on the social network site Facebook, one of the popular things to post was status update featuring the books that you feel had the most impact on your life. Although I did not post a status, I did make a list which I saved on my Macbook Pro.

Since the month of March is National Reading Month [in the US], I’ve featured the list I wrote down [in January] below along with a brief description about each title.


Analyzing this in high school 
provided a background to help deal with real life events.


 Reminded me that females can do amazing things too. 
Also really cool egg designs.


Satire at its finest. Exposing the horrors of war 
in a way I had not thought could be done.


 Learned what a hard life pro wrestlers live 
and gained a huge amount of respect for them.


My first introduction to Dr. Seuss and his moral lessons. 
The copy I had was my father's. 


 When I read this novel in college, some of the ideas inside described the near future. 
Now the ideas describe current events.


 Some of the passages I read led me to remember 
being a part of the experience of that point in history.


Everything I was taught in school about American History 
was turned on its head when I read this book in college. 


I can still remember the day in Kindergarten our teacher read this book to us. 
I've never stopped loving nature.


Reading this book caused me to question logic 
and challenge corrupt morals. 

*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the book covers or any of the graphics associated with them.


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