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Welcome to The Bumblebee Protocol
Brought to you by the nearest Band Name Generator (Story coming soon!)
I'm just a tad bit late, (I was hibernating), but the following is my annual short survey reporting on the all the events and milestones of the past year.
End of the Year Survey: 2011
1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions?
14. Where did most of your money go?
2. Year of the Suckerpunk by Amoral
Compared to last year are you:
17. Thinner or fatter?
24. What was your favorite TV program?
Welcome to The Bumblebee Protocol
Brought to you by the nearest Band Name Generator (Story coming soon!)
I'm just a tad bit late, (I was hibernating), but the following is my annual short survey reporting on the all the events and milestones of the past year.
End of the Year Survey: 2011
1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
- I drove my car in the pouring rain and survived!
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions?
- I didn't make any this year. Not really into that trend. I like living in the moment, however, this year I'm thinking about setting some serious goals for the immediate future. So we shall see how the year plays out.
- Yes. Several of the ladies I went to college with became first time mothers this year.
- This year was very hard for myself and my family. Death came to visit us in many forms, including a freak natural disaster (that could have been avoided), cancer, medical complications, and even murder.
- Narnia ... via the Dawn Treader and I went back to Alagaesia (see number 26)
- My drivers license. Apparently 4th time isn't the charm even if you've mastered parallel parking.
- March 11 (The earthquake and resulting tsunami that hit Japan)
- The East Coast Earthquake (first one I've been in)
- The 19 inning baseball game between the Atlanta Braves and the Pittsburgh Pirates that ended with a blown call. (Watched the whole thing)
- The death of Osama Bin Laden
- The Egyptian Revolution (and all of the other protests around the world)
- I became self-employed. (Currently in the very early stages of infancy )
- I still haven't started a steady job yet. I don't view it as a failure though because I have been steadily sending out applications and have two interviews in as many weeks.
- A cold here and there, and a bit of the flu. Nothing major.
- The Christmas gifts for my family.
14. Where did most of your money go?
- It's sill being saved up for a new computer.
- Catching a glimpse of the elusive weasel that lives in my backyard, if only for a few precious moments.
- There were so many songs I could have chosen that reminded me of 2011, it was hard to pick just one, so I choose two.
2. Year of the Suckerpunk by Amoral
Compared to last year are you:
17. Thinner or fatter?
- I don't think about these things. Silly question.
- Slightly richer than last year. Not by much.
- Volunteering
- Worrying
- I spent Christmas at home this year with my family. Without snow.
- Currently not on my radar screen right now.
24. What was your favorite TV program?
- I watch quite a few television programs. I picked up a few new ones this year (some of the old ones were canceled). Really couldn't pick a favorite though. Here are a couple I'd recommend:
1. American Horror Story
2. Once Upon a Time
3. Unforgettable
- I've decided to remove 'hate' from my vocabulary. So instead, I'll use dislike, and yes there are quite a few politicians I really dislike now that I didn't last year. In fact pretty much all of Congress, and most of the US. Government fits the bill.
- Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
- Silent Fall: Heavy Metal from France
- A photograph of my mother in front of the Chanel store in Paris, France.
- The chance to visit France. (Too expensive)
- The Help
- I was a quarter century old (25) and I had a pizza and cupcake party.
- A drivers license. Still trying to jump through all the hoops.
- Basic black and a flair for accessories, complimented by long wavy curls [of hair].
- Music and a healthy dose of laughter every day.
- Apolo Ohno, for the awesome motivational advice he gives every day on Twitter.
- US. Congress' (mostly the GOP) War on woman, homosexuality, the middle class, aid for natural disasters, EPA, wolves, Muslims ........ (I guess you could say it was everything)
- Suzi. She passed away in 2003.
- One of my father's classmates. We held a forty-five minute conversation during the reception of a memorial service and he talked about many of his past experiences.
- Live Abundantly. Forgive Quickly. Believe Joyously. Love Truly. Laugh Uncontrollably ~Jehshua Karunakaran
- "The Future Belongs to the Brave."
...... ?
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End Post 9
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