Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween: Ghost Story

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Today is my favorite holiday, Halloween! (Yes, it's better than Christmas). I love the movies, the costumes, and all of the decorations.  I love the spooky feelings that come with this time year, the ambiance, and the supernatural elements.  Halloween is a time for scary stories, haunted houses and Edgar Allen Poe. What follows is my account of one such story of the unexplained.

Last night while web surfing I found an article about a new pew research poll that reported nearly 18% of Americans say they've seen ghosts while about 29% believe they have communicated with the dead.
Thinking about this poll, reminded me of my time spent in college and the experiences I have had with the supernatural.

I went to a university that many said was haunted. The notiriaty was such that it was reported in books, on television specials, and we even hired a ghost hunter to come out and conduct an investigation. It was also tradition to have an annual ghost walk around campus. According the stories, all of the dormitories were haunted, as well as most of the other buildings on campus.

Having lived in the same dorm all four years, one experience stands out for me. My senior year I lived on the fourth floor, which was also the highest floor. One night I was taking a nap, and I felt like I was having an out of body experience. I felt like I was watching the dream I was having from inside my own head. it was a weird feeling, but what was even stranger was the content of my dream was making me physically ill. I was feeling it in the pit of my stomach and I felt like I was going to hurl.  Suddenly, I was jerked awake. When I sat up and looked around the room, no one was there. When I looked on my arm I noticed there were fresh bruises as if someone had grabbed me.

After that day, the only way I could remember my dreams is if I was conscious dreaming, a very surreal experience.


So, I hope everyone who's celebrating Halloween tonight has stays safe, has fun, and finds a good horror movie to watch! Here's some suggestions in case anyone is looking for one. I'm still trying to decide myself.

The Changeling (with George C. Scott) Internet Movie Database Link: Click Me!

 Repo! The Genetic Opera Internet Movie Database Link: Click Me!

Bloodsucking Pharaohs in Pittsburgh Internet Movie Database Link: Click Me! 

*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the movie posters or any of the graphics associated with them.


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